
Climbing Elbrus from the south with the accommodation in the best hotels

Dates may change
Climbing the highest mountain in Europe, the western peak of Elbrus 5642 m from the south in the most comfortable way with accommodation in a hotel and the best mountain shelter.
  • DURATION 9 days
  • ACTIVITY LEVEL 4 out of 5
  • Group size 12 people


Climbing the highest mountain in Europe, the western peak of Elbrus 5642 m from the south in the most comfortable way with accommodation in a hotel and the best mountain shelter.

On Elbrus, dreams start to come true. People say, "Only when you reach the top of the Mountain, you can start climbing." And it is so true. You descend from the Mountain as a different, confident person, who can do everything. The goals will be achieved in all aspects of life. Some people change their life and realize that they can do much more. The support program during the ascent and acclimatization contributes to new insights in every possible way, and additional practices help to reset the meanings.

Climbing Elbrus from the south is very convenient in terms of the developed infrastructure of the Azau and Terskol villages. Here we will go for acclimatization during the day, and in the evening we will relax in a cozy hotel. This option is suitable for anyone who wants to get to the top without a heavy backpack, who wants to eat tasty local food and really relax during this journey. With the right acclimatization and training organization, almost anyone can climb to the top. We have paid a very special attention to create such a program that would also include preliminary preparation. I carefully monitor the safety of the climbing process and the condition of the participants both during the preparation period and during the summiting.


Many climbers start from this mountain their journey in the prestigious international programs Seven Summits and Seven Volcanoes, and a Russian program Snow Leopard.



SMALL GROUP In a mini group of 6 - 12 people, we build and maintain sincere communication and a positive friendly atmosphere. When forming a group, I am very attentive to the people who are joining us. I always personally talk to each potential participant. Be sure that during the journey you will be surrounded by decent and interesting people who are on the same wavelength with you.
BRIGHT IMPRESSIONS We will visit both popular locations and unique non-tourist places. And my passion for photography plays directly into the hands of the travelers, because from each trip they bring unforgettable professional photos and lovely and amazing short videos. I study the region and the places that we visit to tell you about the sights.
JOURNEY WITH MEANING Being a certified coach and a person for whom all-round development and a bright harmonious life are important, I organically interweave interesting and useful practices of mindfulness, meditation and art technologies, help discover new meanings while traveling, promote the search for answers and new awareness. If there is an opportunity to visit places of power, I include them in our route.
SMART ROUTE Our journey is fundamentally different from the usual package tours. You will get new experience, find yourself in the places where you have not been before, in an unusual environment and conditions, experience new and unique emotions. The route is designed in such a way that the trip is rich and at the same time balanced in terms of activities, physical load and rest.
INCLUDED MAXIMUM In my tours, I include the maximum so that the participants do not have to think about anything and can completely immerse themselves in the state of "here and now", enjoy the nature, communication, and sometimes silence. I include all planned activities, transfers, baths, accommodation, meals and even options such as sports insurance with a helicopter coverage in case of climbing or trekking in remote areas.
REASONABLE COST You share the cost of travel logistics with other participants, so you can afford what can be expensive if you travel alone. It also makes it possible to get to the places that are difficult to reach on your own. No need to spend a lot of time organizing and planning the trip, selecting hotels and local assistants. You will be accompanied by an experienced guide and many interesting like-minded people, that will make the time spent together priceless!
FULL SUPPORT I help participants with any questions that arise even before the start of the trip. Any route questions? How to find air tickets? What to take? What equipment is the best? How to prepare physically? I help at all stages, and the communication with the participants begins as soon as you sign up for the tour in our general group in Telegram.
CLUB PARTICIPANTS After the trip, I add everyone to the general club chat Trekki Community, where you can team up with the trusted people for new trips, and discuss important topics and share your experience and knowlegde. The club has special offers for the trips and priority booking rights. Members can participate in closed club outings.
Climbing Elbrus from the south with the accommodation in the best hotels
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Climbing Elbrus from the south with the accommodation in the best hotels