Reload in Teriberka
Publication date 29.03.2023

Reload in Teriberka

The trip was amazing, it turned out to be a reboot in each sense possible. Wonderful people and the energy of the north have done their job. It was warm!

As for the trip, it is worth saying that the north showed us its nature from the very first day. We had to wait for the opening of the road to Teriberka. We spent this time properly and had dinner at a very decent restaurant in Murmansk. In the second half of the trip, everything that could go wrong went wrong. First, the time to go out to the sea was rescheduled. Then the whales left the spot where we were going to see them, and finally, we got in the snowstorms and the roads on our route were closed again. We had to exchange our plane tickets to leave a day later. We drove slowly down the road in a long convoy and had an unplanned overnight stay in Murmansk. Nevertheless, at the same time, the north gave a farewell to us with the northern lights, that each of us wished to see.

Despite all the adventures, and in many ways thanks to them, this trip will stay in our hearts forever. Everyone lived their own experience. Many wanted to come back here and not only in winter, but also in summer. I was ready for all the events that happened to us, as we should always be ready for unexpected things, especially in places with such a unique nature. Despite the weather conditions and sometimes extreme wind, the program was carried out in full. Well, as for the whales… let’s go to catch them next season, the next trip to Teriberka is planned for April 2024.

I thank each participant for their company, as it is only the people that make the best trips and this is what formed the basis of that mission!

A photo report about the trip is already on the website in the photo gallery Reboot in Teriberka.

Publication date 29.03.2023

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